Dental Implants Near You

At Dentist @ Burlington, we believe everyone deserves a radiant, comfortable and confident smile. Dental implants could be the solution you’ve been searching for if you are missing teeth or dealing with uncomfortable dentures.

We want to walk you through a quick guide through the road of getting dental implants in Burlington. We will shed light on what dental implants are, why you need them, and the step-by step process involved.

Dental Implants in Burlington

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a dental restoration process that is designed to replace missing teeth with a durable and natural-looking solution.

The process of dental implants tends to be three parts:

  • Implant: A small abutment fixation screw is surgically placed into your jawbone through your gums, serving as the new root of your new tooth.
  • Abutment: This is the connector piece between a dental implant and your new custom-made, natural-looking tooth.
  • Crown: The crown is the only visible part, made to match your natural teeth in colour, look, and function.

Reasons to Get Dental Implants

Dental implants are a dental restoration process that is designed to replace missing teeth with a durable and natural-looking solution.

The process of dental implants tends to be three parts:

  • Seamless look: Dental implants look, feel and function just like your natural teeth, offering an easy restoration process.
  • Restored oral confidence: Regain that feeling of a healthy mouth and quality of life by enjoying a beautiful smile that feels natural.
  • Saved jawbone: Dental implants act as a simulator for the jawbone, preventing further bone loss that is caused by missing or damaged teeth.
  • Life-time solution: Like natural teeth, with the proper care, dental implants can last a life-time, making them not only a fast choice but a cost-effective one-time solution.
  • Durable fix: Eat and drink the same. Dental implants are immensely strong and can provide proper stability for all chewing needs.

Steps of Dental Implants

Dental implants are a treatment that needs a well-thought-out plan and procedure. It involves several key steps:

  • Consultation: Our experienced team of dentists will assess your teeth, discuss what happened and your goals for your new tooth/teeth, and create a personalized treatment plan.
  • Incision: To first place the implant, our team will need to make an incision in the gum to access the jaw bone. From there, the titanium implant is securely placed.
  • Saved jawbone: Dental implants act as a simulator for the jawbone, preventing further bone loss that is caused by missing or damaged teeth.
  • Healing process: Once the implant is secured and attached to the jawbone, it will be time for the next step. This process is usually four or more weeks.
  • Abutment: Once the implant has healed, an abutment is attached, allowing for the placement of the crown.
  • Customized crown: A crown is made custom to match your natural teeth. Everything from the colour, shape, and structure is matched. Finally, it is attached to the abutment.
  • Final step: You will be asked to bite down and feel around to see if the new implant is meeting your expectations. Any small alterations can be made at this time. At our family dentistry, we are truly committed to transforming smiles through the lifetime solution of dental implants. Our team of experts is here to guide you through every step of the process, from the initial consultations to all the years afterwards.

Schedule Your Dental Implant Consultation in Burlington

If you are ready to discover the life-changing benefits of dental implants near you, please contact us for more information!