Dental Bridges Near You

At Burlington Dental, we understand that a healthy mouth equals a healthy you. If you are missing one or more teeth, dental bridges can be a perfect solution to your smile aesthetics and functionality. Dental bridges are custom-made devices to fill the gap created by missing teeth. The bridge not only fills the void left by missing teeth but also reintroduces stability, support and that natural look.

Discover the amazing benefits dental bridges can have on your smile and enhance your quality of life today. We are going to take you through a few moments to explain the different types of dental bridges, reasons to get dental bridges and some of the key benefits of dental bridges.

Dental Bridges in Burlington

Types of Dental Bridges explained

Traditional Dental Bridge
The most typical dental bridge is classic, and you may even be familiar with it. One dental crown is attached to the two teeth on each side of the gap, and a false tooth or teeth fill the space. This way, the false tooth “bridges” the gap while the dental crowns serve as anchor points. Traditional bridges are strong, which is one of their key advantages. The two adjacent teeth must be modified, which is one of the disadvantages.

Cantilever Dental Bridge
Cantilever dental bridges are structurally different from conventional ones because they only use one anchor tooth. They aren’t as commonly utilized as other bridge kinds and typically can only be positioned at the front of the mouth. Because they might put undue stress on a single tooth, cantilever bridges are not recommended for the rear of the mouth. Time and money may be saved by carefully placing a cantilever bridge. However, there are only a few situations where this kind of bridge may be erected securely.

Maryland Bonded Bridge
Similar in design to a conventional dental bridge, a Maryland bonded bridge employs a metal or porcelain framework as the anchors rather than dental crowns. This framework doesn’t require altering the surrounding teeth; it is simply attached to the rear. Maryland bonded bridges offer a conservative and less expensive substitute for conventional bridges. Although metal frameworks can stain teeth, their strength is dependent on how strong the adhesive is.

Implant-Supported Bridge
Dental bridges supported by dental implants have the same basic design as conventional bridges but are fixed in place differently. As a result, implant-supported bridges may fill huge spaces left by several missing teeth without needing nearby teeth. Dental implants are renowned for their power, toughness, and capacity to reestablish normal function. The placement process and recuperation time for this dental bridge are more painful.

Reason to Get Dental Bridges

  • Bring Back Your Smile: You can’t put a price on a beautiful and healthy smile. Following dental bridge operations, many patients report feeling more self-assured. Have you ever felt embarrassed or attempted to hide your grin in a group photo? By fixing your smile, dental bridges can enhance your quality of life.
  • Improve chewing: You could find consuming your favourite meals challenging or even painful after losing a tooth. Teeth next to the open gap may move toward it, resulting in pain. Additionally, food debris can amass in the vacant tooth socket and harm your gums.
  • Improve Speaking: If you’ve lost many teeth, you can have trouble pronouncing words or talking with a lisp. You must treat the tooth loss that harmed your speech in the first place if you want to resolve these problems. Your ability to form words in your mouth depends critically on your teeth.
  • Maintain Your Natural Face Shape: Did you know that when a tooth is lost, your jawbone deteriorates? Your tooth roots stimulate your jawbone’s bone cells. Your jawbone begins to degenerate in the absence of this stimulation. The form of your face might be impacted by severe jawbone degradation, which can cause further tooth loss and facial collapse.

Visit Our Family Dentist Near You

At Dentist @ Burlington, we offer dental bridges to all ages. We are prepared and confident we can help you treat your specific needs.
Call or email our local dentist near you to get your dental journey started.